Money Wellness: Unleash the Power to Big Gifts

Money Wellness is the awareness that every decision you make in life involves money, which causes stress that affects your health in a very BIG way. Having Money Wellness will allow you to work out your Money Blockers, those thoughts that you have about money that are preventing you from having your best relationship with money and preventing you from having the best relationship with your donors. An example of a Money Blocker maybe that while you have debt you have no trouble asking for 6, 7 and 8-figure gifts; don't make that much or have THAT kind of title to ask for THAT kind of money; or working more hours will get me that raise or promotion. This Webinar will ensure that you are Money Well and then you can see and hear the signs of your donors as they may be struggling to make the gift because they have Money Blockers. You will have the tools and techniques to unlock their Money Blockers, have off-the-charts engagement with them, then be able to ask them for large and repeat gifts!!

At the conclusion of this session, participants will:

Identify their Money Blockers, their co-workers or staff's Money Blockers and their donors' Money Blockers and work through and beyond those insidious barriers;
Listen for donors' money clues that they reveal in conversations and then have the skill set to know if it's really MONEY that is preventing the gift or their beliefs, attitudes and behaviors about MONEY that are postponing the gift;
Have the best relationship with MONEY for themselves so that it does not affect their sleep; diet; exercise; and lifestyle so that they will have the advantage over the competition when it comes to TOTAL Donor ENGAGMENT; and
Feel empowered, energized and ignited to have deep, meaningful, transparent and transformational conversations with donors that will transform them into life-time givers.

About the presenter: Laura Fredricks, J.D.

Laura Fredricks is a multi-million dollar ASK-maker, who, as Founder & CEO of THE ASK©, teaches nonprofits and businesses how to confidently, willingly and successfully ask for money. Fredricks is today's leading authority on "How to A$K© for Money - and More of It!" She has helped hundreds of organizations worldwide raise multi-millions through her unique approach to fundraising. She is author of "THE A$K: How to ASK for your Nonprofit Cause, Creative Project and Business Venture". Most recently Laura joined a star-studded list of Wellness Experts and is the "Money Wellness Expert" with an all new 30-day on-line money wellness program.

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