Grant Writing Professionals Group
Please join us for an inclusive and lively conversation about all things grants as well as to connect with and build relationships with other fundraising professionals.
Seasoned Professionals Group
Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.
Emerging Development Leaders Group
The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.
Collaborative Fundraising: case studies, lessons learned, and exciting possibilities!
Join us for an engaging morning of roundtable presentations! Learn, share, and grow with other local fundraising professionals at our February education session.
Organizational Leaders Group
Executive Directors and CEOs wear so many hats! In addition to steering an organization and managing its operations, they also play a pivotal role in raising money. If you lead an organization and fundraising is just one of the many things you do, the Organizational Leaders Group offers a safe space for you to share ideas.