Here’s What You Missed…

Tony Shields with microphone in hand at a speaking engagementThe Funder Community: A New Perspective

June 2018 Luncheon:

Tony Shields, President & CEO of Wisconsin Philanthropy Network (formerly Donors Forum) shared an inside look into the work of WPN, along with some insights into how their work overlaps with,  supports, and enhances the efforts of AFP Members.

Tony shared that there is some exciting legislation and advocacy work happening which would allow for employers to create “Philanthropic Giving Accounts” which would function much like a health savings account, in which employees could set-aside pre-tax wages to be given charitably at the donor’s discretion.

 WPN supports introductions to non-profit organizations and runs two leadership courses to best prepare leaders for the changing world. They help non-profits and funders come together to speak the same language across all boundaries, from urban to rural, equity in race or class.

Foundations are often more open to risk than non-profits imagine – change your lens – are you asking them to fund the solution, or fund your journey to finding the solution? 

--Submitted by Julie Cordero, Development Director, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin