The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

Board diversification seems like an easy task to do. You simply invite people who don’t look like you, think like you, speak like you, and live like you to join your board, and voila – your board is diversified. Anyone who has tried to diversify their board knows it is not easy. You quickly find out that the people you hope will join your board don’t want to join your homogenous group. Diversification takes time, soul-searching, and difficult conversations. Unfortunately, many well-meaning people give up trying. Why do we want to diversify the board in the first place? Because when a group of people from different backgrounds who respect one another share a common mission creative power can be unleashed and take your organization to the next level and beyond. Join the next Courageous Conversation when we will take a deep dive and hopefully learn some ways to diversify our boards.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Save The Date for this virtual conversation

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Wherever you’re at with your CFRE journey, join us to learn more about what the CFRE signifies, why it matters to your work, and what you can do to achieve this honor.

The Emerging Development Leaders Group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Development Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

The Emerging Leaders group is a place to learn, grow and offer advice. Emerging Leaders show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, and also have the ability and interest in developing, mentoring, and supporting others in the profession based on their experiences.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

DEI work can seem overwhelming. Many people don’t know where they even fit into the conversation.  But just as micro-aggressions can create a hostile culture for individuals, micro-inclusions can create ways to invite new people into this space.  Join us to talk about small actions we can take to invite people in and advance I.D.E.A. concepts in our day to day work.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Fundraisers today have a responsibility to the organization that should not start or end with a focus solely on dollars raised or individuals reached while storytelling. They must also consider the impact of their actions on program staff, clients, and the broader community.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Recharge and refresh with the Emerging Professionals Group! This special interest group is a collective of emerging fundraisers who share ideas on a myriad of development topics. We talk informally about all things fundraising.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.  This meeting will focus on Recruiting, Retaining and Motivating Staff.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Join other seasoned development professionals (10+ years) to exchange ideas, discuss development trends, share frustrations, and learn more ways to galvanize the power of philanthropy to address critical needs.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Join us to discuss ways we can support underrepresented individuals in the fundraising profession. The discussion will be guided by five suggestions on how we can support underrepresented individuals in the workplace and will take a deep dive into some of the initiatives, including what is specifically means to take action in the fundraising space.  We’ll discuss ideas for creating an inclusive environment, how to maintain psychological safe spaces and uncover some of the unwritten rules for success in fundraising and how we can “share the success playbook” with others.  This discussion is not just for managers in an organization.  We invite everyone from emerging professionals to seasoned leaders to participate!

Fundraisers have experienced the uncomfortable situation when a donor says something racist or prejudicial. We might laugh nervously and quickly change the subject. Or we may feel anger because the remark hits close to home or insults the constituents our organization serves. Should we say something or ignore it? Some say a fundraiser’s job is not to judge or correct the donor, but to raise money for the worthy cause. Others are of the opinion that by saying nothing, the fundraiser perpetuates society’s problems which their organization is trying to address. Is the fundraiser an ambassador of philanthropy, meaning one who cares for people or a person who needs to secure as much money as possible for the organization.

Join us for an engaging conversation as we try to navigate these turbulent waters. 

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.

Talk informally about grant writing, grantmakers, grant management, and pretty much whatever fundraising topics the group may want to bring up.